Sunday, July 30, 2006
Europe update 1
Friday, July 28, 2006
Bon Voyage
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
The Big Kahuna
Yesterday afternoon was the Microsoft Intern/New Grad tech fair out on one of the soccer fields on campus. Basically, they gave us a free tshirt, put out some food and had an intra-Microsoft job fair. The main event, though, was a keynote speech and Q & A session with Steve Ballmer. I have to say, I was impressed. I guess you don't get to be CEO of the largest software company in the world for being a dummy. He gave a rather informal talk on the company for about 15 minutes and then opened the floor for questions. Mr. Ballmer ... *ahem* ... Steve insisted that we call him "Steve." Anyone who referred to him as "Mr. Ballmer" or "sir" got an earful. He said it made him feel even older. After the first 3 or 4 questions, people caught on and started using his first name. He got questions from across the board, a number relating to the new "Zune" release, some about Mac compatibility, some about Google in various respects, and some cheesey "What advice do you have for us as ____" and such. He answered all of them well and with a clear grasp on the bigger picture of the company as a whole, the insdustry, and all stakeholders. I guess it's only natural that the guy in charge of all this stuff would have that kind of scope on things, but you don't really think about it when you spend all your time down here in the trenches. Anyway, I walked away from the talk thinking "OK, Bill can go give his money away, I can work for this guy."
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
On a rather unrelated note, today was the 4th day in a row with the high temperature here hitting well over 90. And I do not have A/C. Luckily, Microsoft does.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Company Picnic
This weekend was the annual Microsoft Company Picnic. Of course, the company is so huge that employees are asked to sign up for one of the two weekend days to attend. I went on Saturday with Anna.
There was a whole lot of stuff there, including pony rides, massages with lines that were way too long, carnival games, a volleyball tournament, R/C car racing, fortune tellers, a fake tattoo booth, magicians, musical performers, a puzzle hunt, and of course a lot of food. One of the tents there had a bunch of cool birds, including a live Bald Eagle. We spent the majority of our time doing the puzzle hunt, since many of the activities were either kid-centered, not very good for our attire, or just kinda gross (think lots of sweaty people getting massages outside in 90 degree weather.) The hunt was fun though. And we enjoyed our share of the food as well.
Many of the drinks they were serving were made available in a small mountain in these huge wagons. They were a little heavier than our wagon at home. Check out kid staring at me like I'm crazy in the picture below. Nice.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Apartment Exterior
Hiking Trip
On the other side, we drove to a cheap car-camping site where we got a spot roughly 10 feet from the fairly major road that got us there. We were also in plain view of about 8 other campsites from our site. Ah the great outdoors. While we were camping, Emerson cooked some SPAM from the Spam Museum that Anna visited on her way to Washington. I tried some of it. That was enough for me.
On Saturday we went hiking in the Olympic National Park. The actual hike we did took us up to a nice little lake area with a view of all the peaks around us. It was a pretty steep incline the whole way and Anna got some pretty nasty blisters from her new hiking boots. There was a chipmunk-like animal there who seemed really tame and playful. He was running around near us as we sat there. Later (after I saw him eating some peanuts) we discovered that while we weren't looking he had chewed through a plastic bag and helped himself to Emerson's trail snack. We ate lunch there and then hiked back down to the car so we could drive up to the visitor's center at Hurricane Ridge where there is quite a view of the Olympics. More pics of the hiking trip can be seen here.
We drove back to our campsite and stayed there for the night, and then got up the next day and drove to Port Townsend where Adventuress, the ship that Anna worked on last summer, was docked. We went out for a day sail that they were doing and cruised around the sound for a few hours. It got a little chilly out there, but it was a really cool experience. After we got back in to land, we all loaded back in to the car and drove back to the ferry that took us back over to the Seattle side of the water and headed home.
On a related note, I discovered Blogger will host pictures and allow you to put them in your blog posts!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Ask A Ninja
Today's featured website is because it's hilarious. Check it out. As a starter, I recommend episode 17.
Finding your bike has flat tires the next morning - grr
New Bike Pump that evening- $20
REI Membership because at this point it's worth it - $15
[EDIT:] Going back and returning the leaky pump and getting a better one - $15
Not driving your car to work every day: ... wait, I thought this was supposed to save me money.
I owned the wrong car
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
The meat of the matter
You know I was going to refrain from mentioning my place of employment in this blog, but I think it might not be as effective that way, so I'm going to have to go ahead and say that I'm working for Microsoft. Post number 3. Guess that policy didn't last very long. So I'm at my first day at Microsoft, attending the new employee orientation that all new employees attend to get oriented. Apt name, huh? There are like 170ish other people there (and they do this every week) because MS is huge and they are growing pretty darn fast. According to HR, as of sometime last year roughly 19% of the company had been hired within the past year. Crazy. Anyway, they let us out for our first break. I headed to the restrooms since we'd been sitting for a while. Strangely enough, a number of other people had the same idea I did and by the time I got there a line had formed that ran out of the bathroom door and down the hallway a bit. So I got in line to wait. I couldn't help but notice though, that when I looked over to the left at the women's room there was no line at all. A few women were walking in and out of the door.
Oh the software business.